
Dangers of NOT Upgrading Windows 7, Server 2008, & SBS 2011

Dangers of NOT Upgrading Windows 7, Server 2008, & SBS 2011

October 01, 20193 min read



On January 14, 2020, Microsoft will end its support for Windows 7, Server 2008, and SBS 2011. But just because you can continue to use Windows 7 after the end of life date, it doesn’t mean you should. By proactively upgrading your Windows environment now, you will avoid downtime, user issues, reduced functionality, and increased security vulnerabilities.

Businesses who remain on Windows 7, Server 2008, and SBS 2011 will be left behind with:

Businesses who remain on Windows 7, Server 2008, and SBS 2011 will be left behind with:

  • No technical support

  • No software updates

  • No security updates

Waiting to upgrade might seem like a cost-saving move, but the savings are short term. With the rise of ransomware and hacking attacks, you are likely to face far more significant and more expensive problems shortly.

What Does This Mean for Security?

Procrastinating the upgrade will leave your company’s systems weak and vulnerable to data breaches, liability issues, and other cyber threats. Any new vulnerabilities will remain susceptible. Operating systems and servers need to be continually updated to stay secure. Without updates, patches, and bug fixes, your environment is exposed to cybercriminals who will exploit vulnerabilities.

Not upgrading your Windows environment will expose your company to external threats. Hackers are waiting for companies who don’t migrate from Windows 7 after the end of life date and are no longer supported or secure. Don’t be tempted to try to save a bit of money and be at risk for a preventable situation… because it could end up costing a significant amount more!

How Can I Budget for The Needed Upgrade?

If you’re worried about the cost of getting your business upgraded to the current technology – don’t. You have options, and you don’t have to pay upfront. If you prefer to reserve your cash for other business needs, you also have a monthly payment option with our as-a-service program that includes the following benefits:

Upgraded Technology

Technology is evolving at an accelerated rate. Acquire the technology you need to stay up-to-speed and keep your business and systems running.

Controlled IT Costs

We offer a predictable monthly cost that is easy to budget for without unexpected IT expenses. Understand future technology costs and plan accordingly to scale your growth.

Maximized Efficiency

Proactive support to resolve IT issues before they happen. Even when IT issues occur, there’s less downtime with our technical experts as an extension of your team.

Free Up Cash

Use capital for revenue-generating activity rather than big spends on IT equipment and make the most out of your CAPEX dollars.

To help customers acquire the technology they need, we offer a flexible single-invoice solution that includes all hardware, software, installation, and services. Many customers are taking advantage of our as-a-service program to upgrade their Windows environment.

What Do You Need to Do? Make Plans to Upgrade from Windows 7, Server 2008, And Sbs 2011.

You now know that Windows 7, Server 2008, and SBS 2011 will not be a safe product to use after January 14, 2020. If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to start preparing your business to get upgraded. For businesses, we recommend using an IT professional to ensure everything is working correctly and updated correctly.

Develop a budget & plan to replace or update your computers and servers before 2020.

Act now…time is moving fast, and we want to help you before it’s too late. Contact us to set up a call back.

If you don’t know where to start, we’re here to help. As a trusted technology advisor, we’ve been through this before. We currently have multiple clients proactively upgrading their Windows environments. With our seamless process and affordable rates, we accommodate their budget and time frame.

As the Director of Marketing and Business Development at Big Water Tech, Jessica Rakowicz brings a creative flair to everything she does. From mountain biking adventures to immersing herself in books, her passion for creativity extends beyond the workplace. A self-professed coffee enthusiast, Jessica's love for espresso is legendary—she requires it for any work environment.

Jessica Racowicz

As the Director of Marketing and Business Development at Big Water Tech, Jessica Rakowicz brings a creative flair to everything she does. From mountain biking adventures to immersing herself in books, her passion for creativity extends beyond the workplace. A self-professed coffee enthusiast, Jessica's love for espresso is legendary—she requires it for any work environment.

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Dangers of NOT Upgrading Windows 7, Server 2008, & SBS 2011

Dangers of NOT Upgrading Windows 7, Server 2008, & SBS 2011

October 01, 20193 min read



On January 14, 2020, Microsoft will end its support for Windows 7, Server 2008, and SBS 2011. But just because you can continue to use Windows 7 after the end of life date, it doesn’t mean you should. By proactively upgrading your Windows environment now, you will avoid downtime, user issues, reduced functionality, and increased security vulnerabilities.

Businesses who remain on Windows 7, Server 2008, and SBS 2011 will be left behind with:

Businesses who remain on Windows 7, Server 2008, and SBS 2011 will be left behind with:

  • No technical support

  • No software updates

  • No security updates

Waiting to upgrade might seem like a cost-saving move, but the savings are short term. With the rise of ransomware and hacking attacks, you are likely to face far more significant and more expensive problems shortly.

What Does This Mean for Security?

Procrastinating the upgrade will leave your company’s systems weak and vulnerable to data breaches, liability issues, and other cyber threats. Any new vulnerabilities will remain susceptible. Operating systems and servers need to be continually updated to stay secure. Without updates, patches, and bug fixes, your environment is exposed to cybercriminals who will exploit vulnerabilities.

Not upgrading your Windows environment will expose your company to external threats. Hackers are waiting for companies who don’t migrate from Windows 7 after the end of life date and are no longer supported or secure. Don’t be tempted to try to save a bit of money and be at risk for a preventable situation… because it could end up costing a significant amount more!

How Can I Budget for The Needed Upgrade?

If you’re worried about the cost of getting your business upgraded to the current technology – don’t. You have options, and you don’t have to pay upfront. If you prefer to reserve your cash for other business needs, you also have a monthly payment option with our as-a-service program that includes the following benefits:

Upgraded Technology

Technology is evolving at an accelerated rate. Acquire the technology you need to stay up-to-speed and keep your business and systems running.

Controlled IT Costs

We offer a predictable monthly cost that is easy to budget for without unexpected IT expenses. Understand future technology costs and plan accordingly to scale your growth.

Maximized Efficiency

Proactive support to resolve IT issues before they happen. Even when IT issues occur, there’s less downtime with our technical experts as an extension of your team.

Free Up Cash

Use capital for revenue-generating activity rather than big spends on IT equipment and make the most out of your CAPEX dollars.

To help customers acquire the technology they need, we offer a flexible single-invoice solution that includes all hardware, software, installation, and services. Many customers are taking advantage of our as-a-service program to upgrade their Windows environment.

What Do You Need to Do? Make Plans to Upgrade from Windows 7, Server 2008, And Sbs 2011.

You now know that Windows 7, Server 2008, and SBS 2011 will not be a safe product to use after January 14, 2020. If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to start preparing your business to get upgraded. For businesses, we recommend using an IT professional to ensure everything is working correctly and updated correctly.

Develop a budget & plan to replace or update your computers and servers before 2020.

Act now…time is moving fast, and we want to help you before it’s too late. Contact us to set up a call back.

If you don’t know where to start, we’re here to help. As a trusted technology advisor, we’ve been through this before. We currently have multiple clients proactively upgrading their Windows environments. With our seamless process and affordable rates, we accommodate their budget and time frame.

As the Director of Marketing and Business Development at Big Water Tech, Jessica Rakowicz brings a creative flair to everything she does. From mountain biking adventures to immersing herself in books, her passion for creativity extends beyond the workplace. A self-professed coffee enthusiast, Jessica's love for espresso is legendary—she requires it for any work environment.

Jessica Racowicz

As the Director of Marketing and Business Development at Big Water Tech, Jessica Rakowicz brings a creative flair to everything she does. From mountain biking adventures to immersing herself in books, her passion for creativity extends beyond the workplace. A self-professed coffee enthusiast, Jessica's love for espresso is legendary—she requires it for any work environment.

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